Specific Care

Dry and Dull Hair

Give your hair the look, strength and protection it deserves.


Your hair becomes dry, damaged and dull when it loses its resilience and hydration.


This problem can compromise your comfort and well-being, and it does not choose age or gender. When the hair is dry, the cuticle is damaged and the hair takes on a dull and brittle look.


Causes it?

  • Excessive exposure to the sun

  • too frequent hair washing

  • use of aggressive products

  • frequent chemical treatments

  • abusive use of styling tools



Living in a hot, dry climate can contribute to damaged and dehydrated hair and scalp.

However, a sensitive, irritated, dehydrated and unbalanced scalp can also be responsible for the onset of dry and dull hair.

The condition of the scalp is reflected in the condition of the hair.



What we eat and drink plays a key role in preventing dry, dull hair.

An unbalanced diet – poor in protein, vitamins A and E –, excessive alcohol consumption and drinking little water, may be the cause of damaged, dull and fragile hair.



  • 1.

    Choose shampoos and conditioners suitable for your hair and scalp.

    Avoid very hot water when washing your hair, as high temperatures can dehydrate and weaken the hair structure, causing dry, dull and damaged hair. Choose to wash it with warm water and then rinse with cold water, to close the cuticle layer and further protect your hair from possible damage and harmful substances.
  • 2.

    When drying your hair, do not rub it with a towel, as it can cause more damage to the fibre and create an unwanted frizzy effect.

    When detangling, do it gently, preferably with the help of combing creams, serums or foams, using a straight-, wide-toothed comb; start close to the ends, then move gradually up the hair shaft (thus decreasing the tension in the fibres and reducing the risk of damage and breakage).
  • 3.

    In addition, use a good-quality mask at least once a week – to keep your hair hydrated, soft and beautiful –, especially on the hair shaft.

    Regularly use oils or serums on the end of the hair shaft, to keep the cuticle layer closed and protected. When exposed to intense sun, be sure to apply a hair sunscreen. Also reduce the use of a hairdryer and styling tools, applying a thermal protector when you cannot avoid them, as these devices can further damage your hair.


Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women. Discover the solutions we have for you.